Monday, December 6, 2010

So, it's been awhile...

I just realized how long it's been since I've blogged anything on here. I guess when things start to go well, I find myself too busy to blog. It's only when things fall apart I feel the need to vent about it. So, in that respect, my silence has been a good thing. SInce my last post, I have moved from my house into a bed and breakfast. That would be pretty cool, except I am never there. Where am I, you ask? Well, in a nutshell, I'm at my boyfriend's house. Yep, I have a boyfriend now. It'll be 4 months next week. The semester is almost over, which I'm beyond thrilled about. Only 3 more semesters to go and then I'll graduate. Looking into grad programs for my MFA. Over all, it's a good thing. :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

...and it has nothing to do with me.

You know, I have made mistakes. We all make them. I have no problem being held accountable for my mistakes and suffering the consequences of my actions. What I have no tolerance for is being held accountable for someone else's actions. I'm heartbroken over being told to never have any type of contact with my nephew because my sister hates our dad. News flash big sister: we ALL hate him. You are quite possibly the most selfish person I have ever known, and that hurts me to say because you are my sister. You didn't like how he treated you? Guess what? Neither did I. But unlike you, I've placed blame where it belongs. I don't punish people who love me because of someone else. I hate that man quite possibly more than you. You want nothing to do with anyone related to him? You better pack your son off then because like it or not, HE'S related to that bastard too. I hope you stay safe in Afghanistan, because you are my sister and I love you no matter how insecure, selfish, and petty I think you're acting. Please grow up before it's too late.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

But at least I realize it...

So, I am a horrible mother. Yes, that's right. I said it. I always knew I was entirely too selfish to make a good parent, and that is why I never intentionally had children. I have had Jarod home with me for the past few weeks for the summer. I love him more than anything, but I miss having the freedom to come and go as I choose. It makes me sad because it's not Jarod's fault. I'm just a horrible person.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

When I'm sorry doesn't seem to be enough...

So, it is apparent that I did something incredibly stupid and hurt/pissed off one of my very best friends who now refuses to speak to me. Upon reflection, I think I might know what it was, but I'm not sure. For all I know it could have been multiple things. I didn't even know she was upset with me until I talked to her husband. I've done what I can do for now, and all that's left is to give her some space, but I'm not sure what else I can do. :(

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

To sleep, perchance to dream

I am not adjusting back to real people hours very well. I'm a night owl by nature, so on the one hand 3rd shift was never really a problem as far as being awake all night. Just inconvenient for everything else. I am not a morning person. At all. So I dislike being up early even on the best of days. But I'm having trouble sleeping and then getting up early on top of it means I have to take naps, which screws up my sleep later. Like now, when I should be sleeping.

Monday, June 28, 2010

My Professor has an ego...

and it's THIS BIG <-------------------------------------------------------------->!

There is only one thing that irritates me more than a professor who assignes his own book for a a supplemental, yet required text even. And that one thing, my friends, is when the bookstore is not buying said book back for the fall. I bought this sucker brand new, too. /facepalm

At least today is my last day of summer classes. I take my final exam today, and then it's freedom for the rest of the summer. Of course, I'll have to deal with the 7th circle of hell that is my job, but at least the hours are better so I'll have a life, social or otherwise.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Dante's Inferno, anyone?

I am starting on my first day on 1st shift. In honor of this auspicious change, I am considering liberating a copy of Dante's Inferno from the library...just so I can finally be sure which circle of hell I'll be playing in. You see what I did there? Hehe Anywhoo...

My party is tonight and I am looking forward to seeing people. It's the first gathering I've had at my home, and I'm hoping I'll have many more. I enjoy the more hands on stuff like holiday meals, but we'll start with this and go from there.

Divorce papers came in the mail yesterday. I'm tingly with the anticipation of getting rid of his retarded sounding last name and retaking my equally retarded sounding, yet shorter, last name. Truly told, I don't want either of them, and if the judge would have let me make something up to go by I would have been all over the chance like a hobo on a ham sandwich. he didn't, so neither did I.